This covenant is our promise to you, our clients.
You are more than a client to us; you are a ministry partner. We are passionate about you. We will do whatever we can to help you flourish. The financial services industry is extremely competitive with financial and investment products becoming commoditized. Our difference is our faith heritage and our values. We are part of the church, and we hold dear to our Christian values. These values reflect and dictate our covenant to you. Our covenant is grounded in our core values. In fact, we express our covenant with you through our core values.
Steadfast Trust
You must know and experience us as trustworthy. To prove ourselves trustworthy, we will always exercise exemplary stewardship, even when it’s difficult or when there is a cost. We will be transparent and honest with you. We will readily share information with you and disclose account information. You can trust us to do what is right, to communicate openly and honestly, and to always act in your best interest.
Servant Leadership
Our focus is to serve and advance your mission, not ours. This is counter to secular organizations as we place your goals and objectives above our own. We will provide you with solutions that meet your needs. We provide exceptional, proactive, and responsive service in a positive, encouraging, and timely manner.
Intentional Inclusion
We value you. You are important to us, and our desire is that we serve all our clients well. Size and demographics make no difference to us. We will ask for your feedback routinely to improve our services. Your ideas, concerns and needs are all meaningful and valued.
Candid Collaboration
We consider you a ministry partner. We are vested in your success. We listen first to understand your goals and objectives. Once we understand your goals and objectives, we will collaborate with you to develop solutions to achieve and exceed your goals and objectives. Our desire is that you are vibrant and financially sustainable.
Impactful Innovation
As we listen to you, we will develop innovative solutions to advance your goals and objectives. We are nimble in developing innovative solutions that are focused on you and that have a meaningful impact. We do not innovate for innovation’s sake, but we innovate to offer you progressive and helpful solutions.